Thursday, October 9, 2008

Revelations from the Scale

So I stepped on my bathroom scale this morning and came to a very clear realization. I know weight is a major issue for women so I did what every woman in her right mind does when she steps on the scale...I took off all my clothes to see how much I weighed. Please note that I was about to jump into the shower so the nakey-ness was necessary. So anyways, I tap the scale to turn it on and wait for 0.00 to show up. I hop on and wait a few seconds for this little piece of glass and a dial to tell me how much mass I have and a few seconds later is when the realization set in. When I hopped on the scale this morning, I realized that I'm blind! (If you thought I was going to mention my actual weight, slap yourself in the face for being so dumb ;)

I had to wait for the dial to stop flashing before I bent down to see what the 1.5 inch numbers said. Now I'm not a tall person (my 6'5'' boyfriend reminds me of that) but apparently I can't read letters 1.5 inches tall from a distance of 5 feet. I can't wait to someday get laser surgery to fix my eyes but sadly I'm not a candidate for it and probably won't be for a few years. They want your perscription to be stable for two years before getting the surgery and mine is constantly changing. So since I can't get the surgery then I clearly need to get a scale with bigger numbers. ;)

1 comment:

CCR said...

ha ha ha That's the kind of thing that happens when you reach the ripe old age of 27. It's all downhill from here, chica...that is, until you get the surgery, and then it's fine again. ;0)